Zagreb, Croatia, 18-19 October, 2018

The presentations in this page have been archived and are no longer available.


EQA in haematology: current developments Barbara De la Salle
EQA in hemoglobinopathies Kees Harteveld
A need for revision of the ISO 17043 standard Michael Noble
Adam Uldall Lecture  
Future challenges in EQA, with special emphasis on harmonization and commutability Greg Miller
Traceability in laboratory medicine Graham Beastall
Analytical Quality  
Global efforts in quality improvement (IFCC WG on Analytical Quality): what does it mean for EQA? Annette Thomas
Pre-Analytical EQAS  
Quality Assurance of the pre-analytical phase Ana-Maria Simundic
The CSCQ pre-analytical EQA scheme Pierre-Alain Morandi
Abstract presentations  
EQA in Croatia: organisation and strategy Jasna Lenicek Krleza
FMEA as a tool for risk management and quality improvement of the EQA process Vanessa Ghislain
One-year follow-up study of serum indices in Equalis pre-analytical external quality assessment scheme Anna Norling
Comparing different approaches for multi-sample evaluation in laboratory EQA Sanne Senders-Daniëls
Externalized internal quality control in Bacteriology: Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Jean Louis Galinier