Dublin, Ireland, 19-20 October 2017

The presentations in this page have been archived and are no longer available.


Validation of alternative microbiological methods for food, feed and environmental samples Hilde S. Norli
EQA and Chlamydia; protecting the community from the spread of STIs Rosanna Peeling
Pre and post examination of microbiology by EQA Michael Noble
Adam Uldall Lecture  
The role of EQA in the verification of in-vitro medical diagnostics Mauro Panteghini
Plenary lecture  
EQA for developing countries, the role of WHO Willy Urassa
Statistics in EQA  
A critical view on ISO standard 13528 Wim Coucke
Statistical approach for optimization of EQA studies of molecular and serological viral diagnostics Matthias Niedrig
The members' session  
Definition of EQAS allowable limits for HbA1c: a candidate method Anne Vassault
Quality Monitoring of pre-analytical sample labelling Ann Leonard
Abstract presentations  
Biochemical assays of human seminal plasma: the experience of a French EQA program Safouane Hamdi
Assessment of Laboratory Performance in the Molecular Detection of Influenza A, Influenza B and RSV methods through International EQA Scheme for Multiplex Assays Niina Kivi
IHC Breast Audit Tony Badrick